HOW TO GET A MORTGAGE LOAN CLOSED FAST:There are several components that attribute to whether a mortgage loan gets closed fast. 1) How quick can the Borrower provide all of the processing items needed to be presented to the loan officer? This seems to be one of the biggest problems in loan efficiency. 2) How efficient are the Realtors at getting a ratified contract to the loan officer and ordering the home inspection and termite/water/well inspections that may be needed3) How quick and efficient are the loan officer and his company at getting the paperwork ready for the Borrower to sign, putting the new file in order, uploading it to the Lender, taking care of missing conditions, and ordering the credit, verification of employment,title, and appraisal? 4) How efficient is the Settlement Co. chosen at starting the title search and title preparation-a good Settlement Firm is key, one that quickly gets started on the new title order so the close date can be reached. The cheapest does not mean efficient! 5) How efficient is the Lender that is chosen at getting the file into Underwriting and being user friendly in getting the conditions cleared. The Loan officer must coordinate all of these factors in order for the loan get to the closing table. For a Mortgage Broker that can get the job done, call DIVERSIFIED MORTGAGE BROKERS with 30 years of experience in Central Virginia. We wiil make it happen! Tel: 434-237-3143, Email:, Web: